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03-04 19:54
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Google, Yahoo, MSN, Gigablast 등 검색 연산자 비교 자료 본문


Google, Yahoo, MSN, Gigablast 등 검색 연산자 비교 자료

V.E.N 2010. 11. 1. 16:51
구글의 검색연산자에 대해서는 익히 알려져 있기에, 쉽게 자료를 찾을 수 있으나, 야후, msn 등과 같은 검색엔진에서 제공되는 검색연산자에 대한 자료는 찾기 쉽지 않았는데, 마침 구글의 검색연산자를 중심으로 비교된 자료가 있는 것을 발견했다.
아쉽게도, 우리나라의 대표적인 다음, 네이버등에서는 이러한 고급 검색 연산자가 제공되고 있지 않는듯 하다..

몇가지 검색할때 유용한 옵션들에 대해서는 이전 글에서 포스팅을 하였기에 궁금하신 분들은 참고 하기 바라며...

출처 :

Google Yahoo MSN Gigablast Search Terms Search Results SEO Applications
site: site: or domain: or hostname: site: site: url All pages within a particular domain and all its subdomains if you search without the www. To see how many webpages the search engine has indexed.
cache:       url The cached version of a page. To see the search engine’s cache of a particular page.
info: or id:       url Links to the cached webpage, inbound links to that page, related webpages and pages that contain the webpage URL. To see several types of information that Google has about a page.
  url:   url: url The listing for that specific URL in the index. (Note: You must type in http://.) To see if a particular URL is indexed.
      ip: 123.12.123 keyword Pages that contain your keyword inside an IP range. To see if duplicate content sites or spam sites exist in the same IP range as your client’s site.
related:       url Pages that are "similar" to a specified URL To see a small indication of what Google considers to be "related" content.
link: link: link: link: url Pages that link to a particular URL (Note: In yahoo, must use http://.) To see the number and quality of inbound links to your client’s site and their competitor’s sites.
        −link: Pages that contain your keyword and do not link to the specified URL. To identify relevant sites that do not link to your competitor’s site.
  linkdomain:     url Pages that link to a particular domain (Note: Do not type in http://.) To see the number and quality of inbound links to your whole website in Yahoo.
filetype: or ext: originurlextension:   type: filetype keyword Pages of a specific filetype that contain your keyword. To analyze your competition’s use of PDFs, Flash files, Word documents or Excel files.
define: define:     keyword Pages that contain your keyword inside definition tags. To analyze your competition’s use of definition lists.
allintitle:       keyword keyword Pages that contain all your keywords in their title tag. To analyze your competition’s title tags.
intitle: intitle: or title:   title: keyword Pages that contain your keyword in their title tag. To analyze your competition’s title tags.
allinurl:       keyword keyword Pages that contain all your keywords in their url. To analyze your competition’s urls.
inurl: inurl:   suburl: keyword Pages that contain your keyword in their url. To analyze your competition’s urls.
  originurlpath:     keyword Pages that have the keyword inside their directory names. To analyze your competition’s directory names.
allinanchor:       keyword keyword Pages that have inbound links that contain your all your keywords. To analyze your competition’s inbound anchor text.
inanchor:       keyword Pages that have inbound links that contain your keyword. To analyze your competition’s inbound anchor text.
allintext:       keyword keyword Pages that have body text that contains your all your keywords. To analyze your competition’s body text.
intext:       keyword Pages that have text that contains your keyword. To analyze your competition’s body text.
  stem     keyword Pages that contain the keyword and the keyword with different endings. To analyze your competition’s use of stemming.
      keyword Pages that contain the keyword and synonyms for the keyword. To analyze your competition’s use of synonyms.

Plus, Yahoo has additional feature: and region: operators that let you search for a keyword within a website with certain features or inside a specific region.

Yahoo Search Terms Search Results
feature:acrobat keyword Pages that contain your keyword and links to Adobe Acrobat files.
feature:applet keyword Pages that contain your keyword and embedded Java applets.
feature:activex keyword Pages that contain your keyword and ActiveX controls or layouts
feature:audio keyword Pages that contain your keyword and links to audio files.
feature:flash keyword Pages that contain your keyword and Flash files or links to Flash files.
feature:form keyword Pages that contain your keyword and use forms.
feature:frame keyword Pages that contain your keyword and use frames.
feature:homepage keyword Pages that contain your keyword and are seen as personal pages because they use a tilde ~ in their directory structure.
feature:image keyword Pages that contain your keyword and gif, jpg and other image files.
feature:javascript keyword Pages that contain your keyword and JavaScript.
feature:index keyword Home pages that contain your keyword.
feature:meta keyword Pages that contain your keyword and meta tags. (Note: This does not show if sites have the keyword in their meta tags.)
feature:script keyword Pages that contain your keyword and embedded scripts.
feature:shockwave keyword Pages that contain your keyword and links to or has embedded shockwave files.
feature:table keyword Pages that contain your keyword and tables.
feature:video keyword Pages that contain your keyword and links to or embedded video files.
feature:vrml keyword Pages that contain your keyword and link to VRML files.

Yahoo Search Terms Search Results
region:africa keyword Pages that contain your keyword with African country extensions.
region:asia keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Asian country extensions.
region:centralamerica keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Central American country extensions.
region:downunder keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Australian, New Zealand and other country extensions.
region:europe keyword Pages that contain your keyword with European country extensions.
region:mediterranean keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Mediterranean country extensions.
region:mideast keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Mideastern country extensions.
region:northamerica keyword Pages that contain your keyword with North American country extensions.
region:southamerica keyword Pages that contain your keyword with South American country extensions.
region:southeastasia keyword Pages that contain your keyword with Southeast Asian country extensions.

Official Search Engine Operator Pages

Most search engines list advanced operators on their websites, just not to the extent that we have listed them above. If you have have never worked with advanced operators before, you should definitely check out:

for examples and searching tips directly from the search engines.
