
[Firefox 테마] FT DeepDark

V.E.N 2014. 2. 27. 15:06

Firefox 기본 테마는 말할 필요도 없을 것 같고...

업무상이든 개인적이든 웹브라우저를 자주 사용한다. 그중에서도 Firefox 를 주로 사용하고 있는데..

장시간 보아야 하는 브라우저창의 색깔이라든가 등등...눈의 피로감에 영향을 끼치게 된다.

밝은 색 계통이 더 눈에 피로를 주는 것 같아 어두운 테마를 찾다 보니 FT DeepDark 테마가 그중에서 가장 맘에 들었다.

더욱이 Floating Scrollbar 가 눈에 띈다.

한가지, 부가기능중 Tab mix plus 와 같이 탭모양을 수정하는 부가기능이 있다면, 중복되는 기능을 어느 한쪽에서 제거해주는 것이 좋다.

Tab mix plus의 경우 겉모양-탭 에서 강조하기 를 모두 disable 해야 아래 테마를 제대로 맛볼 수 있다.

FT DeepDark

Firefox 기본 창의 외형은 Firefox Extension 사이트에서 위 테마를 다운 받는다.

그 다음은 Userstyles.org 에서 선택적으로 테마 스타일을 꾸밀 수 있다.

Aero style for FT DeepDark (for Win7 and Vista) (이 스타일은 취향에 따라서)

Userstyle created to turn my Firefox theme FT DeepDark's unselected browser tabs + tab bar background (when tabs are on top) translucent. It also turns the selected tab font color into a blue one to improve highlight towards translucent non selected tabs (this color can be changed by editing the style in the Firefox add-ons manager). This style should ONLY be used with Firefox on Windows 7 or Vista with aero style enabled. It is also recommanded to use the latest version of FT DeepDark if you want it to look like on the screenshot (by the way the window frame color has to be set in Windows appearance options, this userstyle has no influence on it). Thank you

Updated: Jan 25, 2014 Installs This Week: 324 Average Rating: Good

Dark textured Firefox "about:home" page style matching with my "FT DeepDark" theme (for those who would love to try this theme here is the link for download > https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ft-deepdark/?src=dp-dl-othersby)

Updated: Feb 25, 2014 Installs This Week: 428 Average Rating: Good

FT DeepDark custom "about Firefox" popup

Userstyle created to make FT DeepDark's "about Firefox" popup to match with the rest of the theme and also to be in the same style as TT DeepDark's "about Thunderbird" one.

Updated: Jan 6, 2014 Installs This Week: 112 Average Rating: N/A

GT DeepDark for Google

Dark style for Google search page matching with my FT DeepDark theme for Firefox. Looks nicer with scripts enabled, but rendering is relatively accurate even with scripts disabled. Hope you ll like it :)

Updated: Feb 25, 2014 Installs This Week: 1,549 Average Rating: Good

html floating scrollbars for FT DeepDark

Userstyle specially made to turn my FT Deepdark (and also my FT GraphiteGlow) theme(s) opaque scrollbars, on html pages, into translucent floating one.

Updated: Jan 25, 2014 Installs This Week: 136 Average Rating: Good

Squared back-forward button style for FT DeepDark

Userstyle created to transform my FT DeepDark theme "back/forward" buttons into a sharper squared style. It works also with my other theme called FT GraphiteGlow. Hope you'll like it :)

Updated: Oct 26, 2013 Installs This Week: 70 Average Rating: N/A

Squared scrollbars style for FT DeepDark

Userstyle made to turn my FT Deepdark (and also my FT GraphiteGlow) theme(s) rounded scrollbars into squared one.

Updated: Jan 26, 2014 Installs This Week: 80 Average Rating: Good